Saturday, July 16, 2011

Sense 3.0/2.1 With Android 2.3.3 Alliance Hybrid 3D 7.7 With Hulu App

 Hey guys this rom is a little laggy. I would recommend that you download 7.6 and use that one it is much better more stable and has some awesome animations. This rom is not that big so you do not need to do a partition on your sd card if you do not want to. To set up the hulu all you have to do is download the hacked abode flash along with the rom which can be found right here click here to download rom and hacked adobe flash player.  Then you have to put the adobe on your sd card and then you just replace the flash player that is already there that is it really easy. This rom is okay it is worth trying if you are not currently using a kings rom. This rom hopefully gets all the animations and all the cool stuff back from the old version. This rom is not that many mb so that is a good thing but this rom does get pretty laggy at times. If you want to see this rom in action and how it looks then watch my two videos at the bottom of this post. This rom has a lot of customization that you can do to it like change the dialer and the status bar and the theme and the swype keyboard also the pull ring at the locksreen very cool stuff. Different mods for the clock they are very cool. Check all of those out.

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